Google yourself

What happens when you Google yourself?

25/02/2015 18:48:26
We are living and working in a digital world where content is generated from a wide range of sources: from carefully crafted PR stories and professional business profiles to social media posts from friends, family and general acquaintances from all stages of your life.

This wide and often disconnected audience of contacts may not ordinarily meet in the physical world, but the internet – and a quick Google search of your name – can bring all aspects of your life into one very public place. And your digital footprint isn’t easily erased, so once something is published it can be there for a very long time.

It’s worth examining how closely your digital persona represents the real you, and thinking about how tightly do you - and can you - control the content that appears online about you?

Most prospective customers and employers are now using social media and the internet as research and recruitment resources as a matter of course. Whether you are a business owner trying to grow your business or position yourself as a thought leader, or someone looking to climb the career ladder – it’s important that your personal and professional personas are consistent.

The trick is not to pretend to be someone that you’re not, but be strategic about what aspects of your personality you choose to present and, ideally, leverage. By being deliberate in all aspects of your online behaviour – what you share, what you publish and endorse – you can take a clear stand and represent very specific values or skills.

Being deliberate puts control in your hands so that when you (or others) type your name into a search engine, you’ll have nothing to fear.

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