Who really buys your products or services?

28/05/2013 11:27:58
When it comes to promoting a product or service, it’s worth reminding yourself who it is that you’re marketing to.  Do you know both your customer and your consumer?

Consider the case of the ad campaign earlier this year for Lynx deodorant featuring a fireman and spaceman.

Firstly, it’s worth saying that Lynx manufacturer Unilever has never been afraid to court controversy in the marketing of its male grooming products range.  It has on many occasions been accused of blatant sexism and has even been hit with bans by regulators.

But the TV ad featuring a hunky fireman rescuing a damsel in distress, only to then pass her onto a more humble looking man dressed as an astronaut is working on many levels.

According to research, half of all male grooming products are purchased by women.  It may sound stereotypical or sexist in this age of enlightenment, but often it is women, be that wives, girlfriends, partners or – in the case of younger men –mothers, who end up buying toiletries for their husband, boyfriend, partner or son.

So the ad must appeal to women as well as men.  How does it do this?  Amongst other things, it throws into the mix the heroic fireman – albeit in a very tongue-in-cheek way!

Other ads for men’s products are far more directly targeted at men.  Gillette, for example, typically advertises using sporting heroes like Roger Federer or actors who are cast in strong, masculine roles.

It highlights the importance of reaching different audiences through your marketing campaign and knowing your market inside-out.  Regardless of the end user, do you know who is buying your product or service and how does this vary according to the time of year and location?

Know your audience

A florist will undoubtedly sell more flowers to men than women in the run-up to Valentine’s Day. A PA could be the single most important person for a company selling business travel services or hotel accommodation for executives as they will often be the ones asked to find it and make the booking.

Take time to revisit the basics and you’ll be surprised at the results a few changes can make.

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