A-Z of services

An A-Z guide to our services - Part one

14/07/2014 15:28:48
Looking for help with your publicity activity? We've created an A-Z of how we can help clients, so for a quick, in in a nutshell guide to the support we can provide. Here's part 1: A to G:

Advertising – we come up with creative ideas for new advertising concepts and campaigns, and can work with our team of designers to bring those concepts to life. For some clients, we handle the ad campaign management, too.
Apps – we can help you identify where a website is the best solution, or whether an app could serve the purpose more effectively, and we work with experienced developers to ensure both content and delivery mechanism work effectively together.
Awards – we identify relevant awards and research, write, design (if needs be) and submit award entries, as well as highlighting the spin-off PR opportunities that come from being shortlisted or winning.
Blogging – we’ll create a blog plan, including content and topic ideas, and then we’ll research and write posts that give you relevant and engaging content to support your wider communications activity. Consistency is key to successful blogging, and we’ll deliver well-written content that will enable to you to maintain that consistency. 
Case studies – we can help you demonstrate the impact of your work among the people that matter, by identifying, researching and writing impactful case studies.
Competitor analysis– we analyse competitor activity to help you understand and define your place in the market.
Community relations – when engaging the local community matters, we can help develop strategies, plans and tactics (plus the all-important supporting publicity activities, of course).
Content development – you name it, our team of expert wordsmiths can turn (and most probably has turned) their hand to it. We write copy for a wide range of on and offline marketing materials, including (among other things) websites, brochures, newsletters, customer guides, technical and feature articles, annual reports, leaflets, posters, presentations, packaging, top tips, fact sheets, point of sale materials, banner stands, adverts, postcards, scripts, tweets, FAQs, press packs, speeches, email campaigns, LinkedIn profiles, case studies, biographies…the list goes on. Put it this way - you’ll never be lost for words with us around.
Crisis communications – we’ll help you identify what could impact on your organisation and how, and develop a robust communications plan that can be implemented quickly and easily should the worst happen. And if a crisis hits but you don’t have a plan in place – we can still help, providing a virtual press office to field calls and provide you with valuable thinking, planning and action time. We’ve helped organisations handle crises from deaths and injuries on construction sites to controversial sackings, protestors and product recalls.
Direct marketing – we’ll come up with creative ideas for both on and offline campaigns that will get you noticed by the people you want to notice you. Our current “In a PR pickle?” mailing is delivering great results (at least two new business meetings from every day’s telemarketing) and the company making the follow up calls tell us it’s the best door-opener they have ever seen.

Email marketing – we use a number of different software systems to run email marketing campaigns for our clients. From one-off flyers to regular and more detailed e-newsletters, we can manage the process from data sourcing through to design, content planning, writing, sourcing images, distributing and reporting back on open, click-through and bounce rates.  Or we can simply provide the content.
Exhibition/event support – we work with event organisers to develop and implement activity that will get people through the door. This includes securing media partnerships; liaising with exhibitors, speakers and the event team to identify and maximise publicity opportunities; providing a press office service; briefing key spokespeople; and encouraging and managing media attendance on the day.
Financial results – we can help you use your financial results as a marketing tool, creating financial reports with impact.
Google Analytics - we use Google Analytics to help measure the effectiveness of PR and social media campaigns on website visitors and customer engagement.